Use trading indicators effectively
Many active investors and traders use technical trading indicators to identify high probability trade entry and exit points. Hundreds of indicators are available on most trading platforms; Therefore, it is easy to use too many indicators or…
How to Fund a Forex Account
Currencies from all over the world are traded on the foreign exchange market. A forex account is typically used to trade and hold forex over the internet.
Using these accounts has become easier than it used to be. Typically,…
What is the importance of the economic calendar in the currency and foreign exchange markets
Forex economic news schedule, or as it is called economic calendar, is a guide that tells us the dates of release of economic data results, and it displays news daily or weekly, as the schedule contains a description of all current economic…
What is the difference between investing and speculating in the foreign exchange market
Well, the Cambridge Dictionary defines the verb "to invest" as "to put money, effort, time, etc. into something for the purpose of making a profit or gaining an advantage."
At first glance, they look very similar as…
Top tips for trading during inflation 2023
As the US economy experiences inflation not seen since the 1980s. Forex traders are watching the US dollar closely to see how the currency's purchasing power and exchange rates will be affected by the accelerating US dollar depreciation.…
Automated Forex trading robots
The forex market is one of the best ways to profit from the Internet If you transact, it can be a good idea to have automated forex trading software. An automated forex trading system can help by executing all forex transactions instantly.…
What is an Expert Advisor
Would it be great to get automated trading robots to do your job for you and generate guaranteed profits? Many dream of creating the perfect computerized trading system for automated trading that guarantees profits and requires…